Despite the efforts of the Democrats and their colluding partners in the Mainstream Media to smear and destroy Herschel Walker, it appears the people of Georgia are seeing through it all.
A new Rasmussen Poll finds Walker leading far-Left Rev. Raphael Warnock by 5 points in their closely watched U.S. Senate race.
Walker’s lead is mainly due to his 14-point margin among independent voters. Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Georgia Republican voters would vote for Walker and 81% of Democrats would vote for Warnock, while among voters not affiliated with either major party, Walker leads 49% to 35%.
Rasmussen Reports
With Gov. Kemp getting 87% of GOP support, and Walker only 77% in this poll, I would be shocked if on Election Day, at least some of those Republicans don’t also go ahead and vote for Walker after voting for Kemp. If so, Walker’s position becomes even stronger. Expect the desperate attacks to continue and intensify as the Democrats flail about trying to save this Senate seat – and their Senate Majority.